52 Lives

#433 Teresa

Request: Donations / Gifts / Messages

This week, we’d like to help a single mum caring for 2 children with disabilities, as well as their older sister, who is a young carer.

Teresa has two boys, aged 6 and 7, and a teenage daughter. The boys are both autistic with severe learning difficulties and are non-verbal.

The boys’ dad was involved in using and selling drugs and was abusive to Teresa, so she left and had to live in a hostel with the children. They then stayed in supported accommodation for a little while before being allocated a council house.

Both boys are in nappies and need constant supervision and care, so Teresa only ever gets a few hours of sleep.

Their social worker said: “The boys are always on the go, consistently displaying distressed and hyperactive behaviour. They are always throwing and breaking things around the house, hitting, and punching. Their sleep is very disturbed and sometimes they sleep for only a couple of hours a night.”

Teresa said: “I spend most of my days cleaning up after them. People around me don’t realise how difficult my life is as I tend not to say anything… I feel embarrassed that I can’t work anymore but my life is dedicated to my children.”

The boys have broken their bed frames and Teresa can’t afford to keep replacing them, so they now sleep on mattresses on the floor. We would love to buy the boys sturdy beds that they can’t break and some special outdoor play equipment to help them burn off energy in a safe way. They managed to get a trampoline from the Family Fund charity, but there is so much more they need. 

We’d also like to provide some gifts for her daughter. Teresa said: “I know life is difficult for her too. I feel like I’m always stretched so thin and wish I could spend more time with her.”

And finally, she hasn’t asked for anything for herself but we would also like to send Teresa some things for herself as well.

What We Need

1. Donations: We'll use 100% of your donation to provide the things Teresa and her children need. You can donate online or by text message using the details below.

2. Gifts from a wishlist: We've set up a wishlist some gifts for them, as well as gift cards. To buy something from the list, please click the link below and choose the gift you'd like to buy - just tick 'this is a gift' and choose the 'gift registry address' when you check out and it will be sent directly to Teresa. Buy a gift

3. Kind messages: To send a kind message for Teresa you can post it to: 52 Lives (433), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT.

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What We Did

You gave more than £1700 in donations and gifts for Teresa and her children! We have been able to buy the boys strong beds, mattresses, bedding, sensory toys, clothes, as well as gifts for her daughter and so much more. Thank you to everyone who donated, bought a gift or sent a kind message for them.