52 Lives

#411 Eli

Request: Donations / Gifts / Kind messages

This week, we’re trying to help a woman called Eli who was poisoned and left with severe damage to her lungs, after years of domestic abuse.

Eli had to have an operation on her lungs and has been left with very complex health issues. There is an ongoing police investigation into what happened to her and her ex-partner is no longer allowed near her or the children.

They were placed in temporary accommodation, but it wasn’t suitable for her health needs – there were a lot of stairs and it was very overcrowded. So Eli and her children have just been moved into a bigger, unfurnished bungalow.

Her social worker said: “She has been through a lot but tries to remain strong for her children - but she is unable to work and there are a lot of things that her and the children desperately need.”

We’d like to help.

What We Need

1. Donations: 100% of what you give will be used to help Eli and her children.

2. Gifts from a wishlist: We've set up a wishlist filled with lots of things they need. To buy a gift from the list, please click the link below and choose the gift you'd like to buy - just tick 'this is a gift' and choose the 'gift registry address' when you check out and it will be sent directly to the family.

3. Kind messages / new home cards: To send a new home card or a kind message for Eli, you can post it to: 52 Lives (Eli), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT.

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(if you are sending a message of support for the person we’re helping, there is no need to fill in your email address or telephone number)

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