52 Lives

#409 Jasper

Request: Donations / Gifts / Messages

This week we’d like to help a one year old boy called Jasper, who has been living in a travel lodge with his family while on palliative care.

Jasper has a rare heart condition that puts him at high risk of sudden death. He has had a lot of treatment and surgeries in his short life, but sadly nothing else can be done for him now.

Jasper’s big brother is 8. He has epilepsy, incontinence and speech and language delays, which he has found very tough. His mum said: “He is excluded from activities a lot due to his epilepsy and gets very upset. He is such a loving, kind boy."

Jasper’s big sister is 6. She has asthma, eczema, sleep apnoea and allergies. She is also being assessed for ADHD.

Jasper’s mum cares for the 3 children on her own. They've been living in a small 2 bedroom flat waiting for a ‘medical priority move’ for the past three years. They had to move to a travel lodge temporarily – with all their medical equipment - while some repairs were done to the flat, which was hugely stressful. They have just been allocated a new council home, which is great news, but the floors are concrete.

They were nominated by their social worker, who said: “Jasper’s mum plans to gradually build up the furniture and other things they need - but she needs help with flooring now. Flooring would be life-changing for these 3 children.”

Jasper’s mum said: "I don’t know how long I will get with Jasper. Everyday is a worry making sure my children are safe and well … and having carpet would really make the house a home where the children can keep warm and play safely.”

As well as providing carpet, we would also like to help them with some of the furniture they'll need, toys for the children and some things for Jasper’s mum as well (she hasn’t requested anything for herself but we’d like to do it for her).

What We Need

1. Donations: We'll use 100% of what you donate to help this family. You can donate online or by text using the details below.

2. Gifts from a wishlist: We've set up a wishlist with lots of things for their home. To buy a gift from the list, please click the link below and choose the gift you'd like to buy - just tick 'this is a gift' and choose the 'gift registry address' when you check out and it will be sent directly to the family.

3. Kind messages: We'd love to send them lots of kind messages ... to send a card or message, please either email your message by writing it in the form below (your contact details will not be shared) or you can post it to: 52 Lives (409), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT.

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(if you are sending a message of support for the person we’re helping, there is no need to fill in your email address or telephone number)

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