This week, we’d like to help an elderly woman called Judy, who is in need of some kindness.
Judy and her husband, George, have been married for more than 50 years. Sadly, he has dementia and has also been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Judy struggles to walk and is also partially blind, but she was managing to look after George, with some help from carers.
But George’s dementia has gotten worse, and so for the first time in their lives, they are having to live apart. George has been in hospital for 2 months and will now be going to live in a care home.
Judy is finding it really hard without him. She is lonely, and heartbroken. At a practical level, Judy is really struggling with her eyesight. Her vision has deteriorated, so she can no longer read large text on her phone, or any of her mail. She’s feeling even more isolated than ever.
One of Judy’s health workers said: “I know Judy is devastated and now very isolated as she feels her role in life was caring for George. Her poor vision adds to this isolation and anything that could be done to help this amazing, kind and stoic lady would I know make such a huge difference to her.”
There is a device available that would enable Judy to read again, but it is expensive and she can’t afford it. We’d like to buy it for her.