52 Lives

#289 Wiktoria

Request: Donations / Kind Messages

This week, we’d like to help an 18 year old girl called Wiktoria, who has been undergoing cancer treatment and is in need of some help.

Wiktoria was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at the start of the pandemic last year and has been having chemotherapy, so she has had to shield for almost a year.

She lives at home with her mum and younger sister. They are a big support to her, but they are struggling financially.

She was nominated by her cancer rehabilitation specialist, who said Wiktoria loves swimming, but sadly can’t afford a membership for the local pool.

“She is a genuinely lovely girl who is so grateful for anything people do for her, no matter how small. I’d love to be able to provide her with a membership, so she can swim without having to feel guilty about the cost... when the electricity needs to be paid at home, for example. It will improve her fitness and health, but above all her self-confidence and mental well-being,” her specialist said. 

When I asked Wiktoria what being able to swim regularly would mean to her, she said: "I've been feeling very anxious about everything since my diagnosis, constantly over worrying and stressing about the smallest things. It would be so amazing being able to take my mind off all these things and go out and do some swimming with my sister."

With your help, we’d like to provide both Wiktoria and her sister with annual memberships to their local pool, so she can swim anytime she likes without having to worry about whether they can afford it.  We'll also buy them new swimming costumes.

What We Need

1. Donations: We'll use your donation to pay for the annual memberships and swimming costumes . Any funds we raise above this will be used to help Wiktoria and her family in other ways. 100% of what you give will be used to help them. To donate online, please click the link below. To donate by text, please use the details in the box provided. 

2. Kind messages for Wiktoria: We'd love to send Wiktoria lots of kind messages. To send a message, please either write it in the form below and we will pass it along (your contact details will not be shared), or you can post your message to 52 Lives (Life # 289), PO Box 3154, Reading, RG1 9AT.

Donate Online


We raised enough funds to buying Wiktoria and her little sister annual memberships for their local swimming pool. We also sent them new swimming costumes, and with the funds leftover we'll be able to buy some other things they need, which will help take the pressure off their mum for a little while. It's such a simple thing that has made Wiktoria's life so much better.