52 Lives

#35 Heathfield Infants

Request: Cards for Leon

October 2018

This week, 52 lives visited the wonderful children at Heathfield Nursery and Infants School in Twickenham to run a Kindness Workshop. The children discovered so much about the importance of being kind, and the effect kindness has on our minds, our bodies and the world around us.

During the workshop, we told the children about a 7 year old boy called Leon, who has been having. tough time. Just after his second birthday, Leon was diagnosed with multi suture craniosynostosis. It is a condition where the joints in a baby’s skull fuse too early, which causes problems with brain growth and head shape. He had surgery to rebuild his skull when he was 3, and when he was 4 he was diagnosed with epilepsy. He has seizures day and night. Leon also has autism, sensory issues and is delayed in his development. He has been in and out of hospital for his entire life.

When the children heard about what Leon has been through - and the bravery he has shown - they wanted to do something kind for him. They worked together making beautiful cards, messages and small gifts for Leon to let him know they think he is one amazing boy!

Here are a just few of the cards they made...
