52 Lives

#12 Children in Belfast

Request: Gifts


Today, 52 Lives and Gala Bingo would like to spread some kindness to some families in Northern Ireland who are facing a difficult Christmas.

We were contacted by a community group in Belfast called Lorag Children’s Project. They work with a lot of families in real need. Many of them are struggling to buy Christmas presents for their children, and even having enough food for Christmas day is a challenge for some.

The staff at Lorag work specifically work with disadvantaged children in the Lower Ormeau community of South Belfast. Some of the children they work with are living in extreme deprivation and their day-to-day life is incredibly difficult. 

We would love to help make this Christmas a special one for these children, and their families. So, 52 Lives and Gala Bingo will be sending each of the children a Christmas present this year, and also providing gifts cards for groceries to each of the families. We hope this will help all of them have a much happier Christmas.  
